Thursday, June 08, 2006


i've got the Pre-exaM Stress (PMS) now

clinical signs includes:
- stress
- sleeping disorder - sleeping stime screwed from 4am till 1pm
- increase in appetite - especially during 12-4am
- lack of concentration - especially during sleeping
- wierd dreams - like dreaming of soaking rats in water, pekingese tat do not look like a pekingese,
- increase fatigue- gets sleepy easily
- decrease body temperature
- anotomicaly occupied thinking
- showering during 12-3am
- stress
- buble tea craving
- stress again
- 2nd degree mind block
- 1st degree cock talk
- random sudden movement similar to that of tourrete syndrome (watever the spelling is)
- lack of time
- stress
- stress
- oh did i mention stress....?

anyone got cure or any medicine for this?

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