Tuesday, September 11, 2007

things that won't go away

there are some things in life that will never leave you
wounds, scars, people, ideas or thoughts,

and also... memories

you thought you have got over it
and it doesn't seems to bother you at all now
as if life is no more related to how it was back then
and you seems to have forget about it

but slowly and quietly, it does creep back to you sometimes
it will come back
and hit you at times you never expect
then you breakdown, and you depress
and it seems like now is how it was back then
but slowly, you occupy yourself
with friends, work, music, food, movies
and u slowly forget it
while it slowly fades away

was it every away??

it seems like its embedded into you
how you are right now, is determined by how it was back then
no matter how hard u try to change
you never change what has already been set in you
its unchangeable

things like this, they never go away
they haunt you forever
backthen was long long long time ago
but back then is still here, now at the present

what can u do?
get over it? forget it? suppress it?
if only we can
if only...

take a deep breath,
let it in, let it out
live with it
and life goes on


serenade said...

why so down like that?
every encounter makes great experience, jia you!!

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to us, is a part of us.. which made us what we are.. it might have been hurtful, tough or unacceptable, however, those are only some phases of life.. along the way, forgiveness, inspirations, and wisdom will eventually take over..
it didnt fade, but it enlightens.