Thursday, September 07, 2006

wrestling with the sheeps

wednesday's prac class, wrestling with the sheeps! (sheep handling session)

matthew : 10 points
sheepS: 249.03 points

sheeps are cute, they dun kick like alpacas, dun shit like cows and dun bite like horses.... but they can RUN, too good at running.

from that prac, we learnt how to catch a sheep, how to bring them down their bum with legs up, and how to tie them up so they won't run away. catching a sheep was easy, when u can catch any sheep from a flock, just go from its back, "kiap" its body between your legs, and hold the neck, then they bassically follow where u want them to go.

tying them down is also not hard, but have to learn all the diff ways of tying nods! damn sounds like a boy scouts work! the hard thing is, bending down to reach to their legs while tying them down. and when u r not fimiliar with your nods, u basically just bend until u broke back.

and then the worse part...... (there are always catches to my blogs), taking blood sample (again...). it seems that most of the asians in the prac always have problem taking blood sample, last time it was the cow and now it was the sheep!! sheep are actually harder than cows i think, coz they got thick wool!! and its hard to see where the vein is.........
so one of the prac helper suggest that we get a shean (watever the spelling is, it means botak) sheep, so it is easier to poke the neddle in. but one problem, there are only 3 shean sheeps in the whole pack.... and like i say, cathcin any sheep in a pack is easy, but catching a certain sheep in a pack is hellish!!!
we do it in pair, so one partner hold the sheep and another take the blood sample. so i was suppose to catch the sheep while my partner take blood sample.... and by the time i caught the shean sheep, i was already panting and exhausted like nobody's bussiness, my poor partner have to wait so long lol

finding where the location of the vein is also not a easy job..... squatted down for like 30 minutes, before i was not even sure where vein is and just ting tong tiang poke in the neddle. first neddle fail no blood come out, i was thinking to myself "oh crap, here we go again".... but THANK GOD, 2nd neddle got BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD come out.... i was so overwhelmed at the moment........ and when i stood up, i felt light headedness....... squatted to long, low blood pressure on my brain........

so i got the sheep, tied it, caught it, fliped it over, took blood sample, shave its nail, clean its hoof, and i deserve a 10 point

and the sheep, fliped me, made me broke back, light headedness, damn heavy to flip, run here and there, got shit on its body, panting, exhausted, muscle pain, shit all over my hands, too wooly to find vein etc etc, deserves a 249.3 points

you're a champion, sheeps~


win sern said...

haha... seems like lots of fun..

josh kimura said...

baa baa baa (say this like a sheep on a ship) haha

psp, that good meh? Lame.