Tuesday, May 16, 2006

for a start

dear ppl

this is my 3rd or 4th blog site:
the first one from blog spot turn out to be forgotten,

the 2nd one was friendster blog, but ppl complained it was hard to excess,

the 3rd one was also at blogspot, too aid ppl who has difficulty getting into friendster blog, WHILE still keeping friendster blog running. and in the end come to think of it i'm so lazy to maintain two blog so i forgot the pass word for 3rd blog liao

and the 4th one!! the one right now you are reading., just want to start everything once and for all. actually i'm using the account from my 1st blog, so it makes this my 1st blog eventually???? the reason i changed again is because lots of ppl are using blogspot, including the all so famous kennysia who useD blog spot b4 and became so popular. well i also notice that people can add each other into their blogs as well is it??

anyway this site is officially opened, and i will post some juicy firework gossip later on

1 comment:

pohie said...

Hi Matt! I'm the first to tag! Haha!